
Undercover Lover

A fictional three part story by Sanmi Ade @adewus4real

Play Undercover Lover by Tay Iwar while you read this. Trust me. ✨

I could feel the tension in my back as I pulled into the driveway.
It was almost as if my body knew that I had been away from the gym for a while. Although I would argue that yoga or pilates is much harder, missing your gym flow changes you.
The work retreat I just returned from was both a physical and professional haul.
We worked on OKR’s and KPI’s for the year but also got to do some wine tasting, vision boarding and a few morning yoga sessions.
All in all – I was glad to be back in my bed.
It had been two long weeks away from home. Hotel beds are cool but nothing beats your own bed.

I don’t really remember the drive home.
I mostly remember thinking about washing my car that had been sitting at the airport and smiling at the fact that I had the cleaning lady come and clean right before I went on my trip.
As I walked towards the elevator in the connected parking garage and towards my apartment – I started thinking about the things missing from my fridge.
Forget missing your own bed, after a week of travel the thing you miss the most is a home cooked meal.
My fridge was bare even if my freezer was pretty stuffed. (How do
I picked out a bowl of some stew and put some rice in the rice cooker.
While it cooked, I picked up my mail and started going through it.
Fried up some plantain before pouring myself a glass of wine.

I left and went to take a shower.
Before I returned, night had fallen and the views were immaculate.
They reminded me why I fell in love with Cape Town and how quickly my sadness faded once I moved here.
I’ve lived here now for 8months, I cannot pretend to be a local but I have found my tribe here.
It definitely helped that I did a program here right after I graduated from Covenant University. But after living in Birmingham, New York, Chicago and Lagos – I can tell you that Cape Town has it’s own unique charm.

In my robe, I plated my food and sat down to eat.
I had been watching S.W.A.T on Netflix during my flight back from JoBurg, so I continued while eating my meal.
It felt like it wasn’t just the rice and stew but the fact that it was at home that made me so happy.
Midway through I remember curling up into the couch with my blanket and reminding myself not to fall asleep on the couch.
As I dozed off. I happened to glance down and see my phone ringing.

“Hey sexy”

the first words to come through the phone. I smiled and replied

“Mummy Eleganza, how are you?”

She chuckled and replied

“ I don’t know why you insist on calling me that. Are you back home? I just wanted to check on you”

I lifted my phone to pan around the room for her to see.
She smiled and continued

“Have you eaten?”

I rolled my eyes and said

“Nothing a Nigerian woman loves to do more than ask if you’ve eaten.
Yes I have”

This time her smile was bigger and more mischievous as she replied

“I mean, is it my fault that I want to make sure that you are taken care of?”

I smiled without replying.
She continued and said

“I mean, I know something else you could be eating sha”

I looked down at the phone and she had the sneakiest smile on her face.
Unable to stop smiling, I replied

“Ireoluwa, you are looking for trouble o”

“What did I do????”

She asked, pretending to be confused

“Continue o”

I replied.
She continued and said

“Am I still seeing you this weekend?”

I replied

“We have brunch tomorrow right?”

She nodded and I watched her finishing up her makeup.

“Where are you even going?”

I asked

“Remember Nana’s Art Studio launch is today.”

It had totally skipped my mind. My friend Nana, a Ghanaian and Zambian hyperrealism artist was opening up his second studio and tonight he was having a private showing for his friends.
I had told him I was arriving the following day because I knew I would be too tired to go.
I think I deserve a pass, I went to the first one all the way in LA.
So tonight I was staying in.

“Oh yeah, totally forgot. I’ll go during the general opening next week”

We said goodbyes and she got off the phone and I returned to my unwind.
The next thing I remember was waking up on my couch the next morning – refreshed and hungry.


The entire evening, I couldn’t concentrate. Not because her painting was better than mine from the paint and sip activity we went to.
She absolutely loves activity dates and letting her express her creative genius, well that was a win all round.
She wore the cutest pink top with pink accessories and blue jeans.
It almost felt confusing how I realized I had never noticed how much bunda she was carrying back there.

We headed home because she had an early morning the next day.
As we walked in, I remembered we had ordered some banana bread to the house earlier in the day for dessert and I started to make my way into the kitchen to get it when she said

“I’m going to lay in the for a little bit”

I looked at her confused because I knew she could easily fall asleep.
But I changed course and followed her into the room – a few minutes later, were both changed into lounge clothes.
I laid up next to her as began talking about the night we had just had.
The music, the food, the energy and chemistry between us.
It so relaxing.
We probably laid there for 15minutes just talking about the night and me returning from my trip.
She was catching me up on everything from school to fitness and I could listen to her talk all day.

My fingers traced the outside of her right arm as she talked to me and suddenly, we stopped and looked at each other right at the same time.
I leaned and asked

“Can I kiss you?”

She smiled and without breaking eye contact, she said nodded in approval.
We make music without lips locked like an aux cord in an iPod.
We fit.
I pulled her in closer and kissed her down her neck and shoulders.

I got up and placed my legs around her.
Her back on my chest as I kissed down her neck. I could smell the sweet notes down her neck with certainty that she couldn’t even explain the cocktail of scents my tongue was getting familiar with.
She moaned and closed her eyes off while kicking back her head more into my chest. My left hand reached around and lightly choked her while I kissed on her right cheek while my right hand made its way down to her slightly spread legs.

No forecast could have prepared me for how drenched my fingers were as they made contact.
She moaned softly and my index fingers parted her lips.
The softest “fuck” slipped out of her northern lips as I slowly massaged her clit.
Her eyes completely shut but she could see the picture my fingers painted with her wet.
There was something deeply satisfying about her bending to my will.
I could feel the stress and tension melt away in my body as she rocked her pelvis to the tune of my voice.

In her ears, I was the navigator.
Signaling as the pace picked up or steadied.
She smelled so incredible and would not stop cursing under her breath. With my hand around her neck, my legs on both her sides and my fingers firmly inside her. She just gave in.
And I welcomed her.
Slowly I laid her down on her back and moved to meet her down south.
I had something very important to say and only her lips could understand.
As she laid on her back, I lifted her legs and pinned them back towards her chest.
My searching tongue making first contact with her throbbing pink. I kissed it and then lifted up.

Looking dead at her, I asked her

“I need you to promise me one thing…”


She said.

“Don’t hold back”

I replied.
She sheepishly smiled and I smirked as I tongue kissed her pink.
She let out a louder moan.
“Oh wow”
She said

“Wow” was the word of the night as she repeated it over and over as I feasted on her dripping wet.
She grabbed my head and pushed and tugged as she sang my name into the walls.
The neighbors already knew my name but they didn’t know all the different octaves it could be sung in.
There was something about the passion in my drive – I wanted every last drop of her.
I wanted her to bend and break in my hands while I then put her back together nicely.

As I rose and lowered into her.
The first entrance felt like the first time you laid in your bed after a long trip away from home.
It was warm and welcoming.
I leaned next to her head as I thrust in and out, complimenting her beauty and how welcomed my throbbing member felt inside her wet walls.
With each thrust, she moaned


I tried hard to concentrate but I could feel her giving up on me.
I lifted up and pinned her legs further towards her chest.
I called out at her, making her open her eyes


She moaned


“Don’t fucking close your eyes”

I chimed back at her. I continued on to say

“I want you to look at me. Keep your eyes on me.
Look at me as I take your shit – look at it”

We both looked down as I entered and exited with familiarity.
Her eyes began to roll back as she struggled to keep them open.
I looked down at her and smirked. The look on her face was a combination of pleasure and confusion – mostly “how could something feel so good?” she asked in her sexy moans.
I didn’t let up.
With her legs pinned back, every thrust hit deeply enough in her walls.

I picked up the pace and drove deeper into her.
Letting out all the questions I needed answered

“This is what you wanted right?
To have me fuck you like I can’t do without you?”

She nodded and moaned along.

“Give it to me then.
Give me every last fucking drop.
Do not stop until you cum all over me. Do you hear me?”

She nodded in reluctant agreement – she was about to break.
I leaned in more and said

“Such a good girl.
Look at you taking all of it… good girl.
…you’re so beautiful baby”

I could feel her tighten up.
I asked again

“Who’s my good girl?”

And that was it.
The floodgates opened.
Her moan, so loud, I was sure my neighbor Cristian heard it.
And just like that, I intensified.
Thrusting harder and faster to meet her at the peak. We were to arrive together and together we came.
A dual explosion coming from two sources.

As I slumped next to her, she turned over to me and said words that would send chills into anyone.

“This is bad”

She said and my heart stopped.


The church was filled with a soft, reverent hum of hushed whispers as everyone settled in. Sunlight streams through the stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the altar. I was sitting in the right corner of the altar where I play the bass guitar, my head bowed as if in deep prayer, but my thoughts are far from the holy sanctuary. I couldn’t focus on the sermon, not after the night I had.

Last night was… perfect. It started with a simple dinner with smoky jollof and turkey with plantain plus great wine, nothing extravagant, but every moment felt like it was carved out of a dream. The way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the subtle touch of her hand on mine across the table — every detail is imprinted in my mind.
The sweetness of her kiss lingering like the finest wine. I return to my seat, trying to clear my head, but every time I close my eyes, I see her face, feel her touch, hear her moans. I know you can relate.

I shift in my seat, attempting to focus. The congregation stands to sing a hymn, and I join in, but my voice feels detached, like it belongs to someone else. My mind is still in that moment when we rode back to my place in the Uber. The light caught in her hair, casting a halo around her face and the world seemed to dissolve around us, leaving just the two of us in our own little universe.

The service continues, a series of rituals I follow on autopilot. Stand, sit, bow, pray. My body moves through the motions, but my mind is elsewhere, lost in the memory of last night. The way we talked for hours, sharing stories and dreams, finding connections in the most unexpected places. There was a moment when she leaned in close, her breath warm against my cheek, and whispered something that sent shivers down my spine. I can’t even remember the exact words, just the feeling they left behind.

And then it hit me again, why did she say “it was bad”?
I needed answers but I was not sure how to get them.

The final blessing is given, and we rise to leave. I step out into the sunlight, blinking as the brightness hits me. The fresh air is a welcome relief, but my thoughts are still tangled with memories of Ire. I pull out my phone, my fingers hovering over her number. Should I call her? Would she be thinking about last night as much as I am?

As I walk away from the church towards my car, I realize that no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the feeling that last night was the start of something extraordinary. The future is uncertain, but for the first time in a long time, I feel a sense of hope, of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, this is the beginning of something beautiful but I was still uncertain.
As I pressed the remote to unlock my car, I hear a voice.

It was Dior. Her real name is Adaora but everyone calls her Dior.
I smiled as she shuffled towards me.
As she got closer, I noticed it.
She smiled big and said

“Congratulations Dele”

I almost choked.
It took me a second to gather myself before replying –

“Ummmm….sorry…what do you mean?”

She smiled again, this time smaller and more controlled as she replied

“I’m pregnant”

Quick note from Sanmi:
Hey y’all I know it’s been a few years since I gave you all some of my stories to keep you company through the weekends. Well I’m back. I aim to give you exciting and captivating series that will have you glued to the edge of your seats. I am not being held prisoner by perfection or the right timing, it’s ready and you’ll have it.
for those of you new here, you are in a for a ride. They call me The Wordsmith, Master of Cliffhangers and so on – so I will not apologize for the emotional rollercoaster you will get from reading my work.
As a matter of fact, I live for it. So I hope you enjoyed part 1. Your comments are my fuel, so if you like it or love it, tell me. It keeps me going.
Thanks for reading part 1 of Undercover Lover, see you next week or if we get to 20 comments, I’ll drop part 2 early. Till then, stay up!


End of Part 1. Come back next Saturday for Part 2!
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#SanmiSaturdays © 2024 #WhatTheHeckMan