
The Musings of a Dodo Addict

WordsOfWednesday on a Thursday. đŸŒč

How could that even happen?

Tonight, I cried.
I was listening to the song above and I became overwhelmed with gratitude to God for everything he has done for me.
A few days ago after a long day of errands, I came back home and I was actually about to go to sleep when I heard a loud and obnoxious knock on the door.
It was late but I walked to the door and opened it.
It was my neighbor.
He came to tell me that I had left my car running for 4hours.
Can you believe that?
I completely forgot to turn off the engine. I do not know what would have happened if it kept running for more hours (about to Google it).
I was grateful that nothing catastrophic happened plus I am thankful to God for using my neighbor whom I have never spoken to beyond hi and bye, to come and ensure I didn’t lose my vehicle.

Yeahhhh, right there… on the head

If you follow me on Instagram, you will probably have seen videos of me at the gym.
I am always dancing in my recordings.
Most times to gospel music.
A few days ago, I walked up to an equipment and I bumped my head because someone shorter than me had lowered the bar.
It hurt – I see you short people, or maybe not.

But as I massaged my head, I went back to working out and dancing, people kept staring and I thought o myself, I am the weird person in their own gym life.
But I love God and singing his praises anywhere, I was not going to stop that.

Mask Off

I was in line at the grocery store when the cashier said “you know you don’t have to wear that anymore?”
He was referencing the recent mask mandate that had passed in California – we don’t have to wear masks anymore.
It felt weird hearing that. For almost two years straight, we had gotten used to wearing this thing everyday, now you are saying we don’t need to?
Can people go back to “normal”?
Do they even want to?
I kept my mask on because I still feel the panini is not over but it got me thinking, even after COVID is finally under control, will I stop wearing a mask?
Most likely not.
I will probably end up wearing it every flu season as well. Just to stay protected.
Some try to act like the masks are evil or something but guess who hasn’t had the flu in two years? Exactly.
I’m keeping ‘em on.
Will you keep wearing masks or have you already thrown them away?


I am tired.
Physically for the most part.
About a month ago – I was in Los Angeles and on my first night there, I laid down in my hotel bed. I had plans to link with my younger brother.
I placed my head on the bed at about 6:30pm.
I woke up at 2am – the whole night was gone.

Before I slept, I felt dizzy and like the room was shifting – I have known it for a few weeks but I struggle to rest.
Most weekends are filled with a birthday party here, a brunch there, church on this side, DIY projects on that side. It’s made for a tired me.
I need to rest and as a full adult, I am scheduling it for next weekend. Isn’t that bizarre that we now have to schedule rest?
What happened to being a child and just not going to class or sleeping and ignoring your chores?

I watched a talk the other day about relationships that said as you get deep into it and kids come into play, you have to schedule sex.
At first, listen, I thought it was bizarre but seeing how busy I am now with all I have going on and no wife and kids yet? Nah, I completely agree with that person.
Heck, I have been trying to make an appointment with my left hand for months now and no luck.

My best friend called me a Nigerian parent because I keep finding things around the house to work on. First off all, “and soooooo”.
Secondly, “even thoughhhhhhh”
I truly am always working on something but frankly, I need rest.
In the meantime though, please follow my latest thing, my Pinterest account. Every follow, like, and share counts. Thank you!

Be Kind

Recently, I was driving and this person in front of me was moving so slowly.
I maneuvered around them and began yelling, I was so annoyed.
Then it hit me.
Why was it so hard to be kind in that moment?

I remember the first time I was ever let go from a job. I was so heartbroken that day that I drove home so slowly, I was crying and confused.
What if someone honked at me as I drove?
Would I have been able to hold it together?
Maybe, maybe not.
It was a timely reminder to be kind always. That person could have gotten word that their health was poor or just been having a bad day – you never know.
Spread kindness, not continue a chain of the hard in a world already hard enough.

Run oooooo!

10:48pm – I had been on this wave of eating earlier in the evening, in my attempt to not eat late. So I would eat my first “big” meal around 6pm and if I was up late, like on this day, I would snack on something.
The choice this night was the super delicious sausage rolls from @AllIDoIsCook.
They get shipped to my house and I get to feast on such goodness. They come in air-tight packaging. That night I decided to use a knife to open the sausage roll pack.
As I picked up the knife, my mind told me to use the scissors instead. You probably already know how this ended.
Yes, I cut myself.

I was staring at my hand and I just burst out laughing, I knew. I flipping knew and most of us know. We feel it, we see it.
The signs are clear and glaring but we go into it anyways.
The last time I dated a woman that had poor communication skills and couldn’t express herself, I knew I would eventually get hurt.
But she was soooo fine and yes, she had/had bum bum and I went inside head first. Omo _, she just made me catch feelings and started making me return to my toxic ways.
As hard as they may come, run from the things that will bring you hurt.

Stay Up, Stay Safe & Stay Strong.

Yours always,

The Wordsmith
Master of Cliffhangers

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